I love ALL things salted caramel, but this takes the cake...or shall I say, custard?
1/4 C water
1/2 C Baker's Corner Granulated Sugar
2 C Friendly Farms Heavy Whipping Cream
4 egg yolks (Goldhen Grade A Large White Eggs)
Preheat oven to 320.
Add 1/4 C water to a sauce pan and carefully pour 1/2 C sugar into the water. Try not to splash any sugar or water.
Heat over medium heat, swirling occasionally until sugar becomes a dark caramel color.
Meanwhile, thoroughly whisk the egg yolks until they are pale yellow.
Remove the caramel from heat.
Slowly whisk heavy cream into caramel and place back on the heat briefly to melt any sugar that hardened.
Add salt to taste.
Slowly add the warm creamy caramel to the egg yolks, being careful not to scramble them, and whisk gently.
Prepare a deep baking dish with ramakins and pour the mixture into ramakins. Add warm water until it reaches 1/2 way up the ramakins.
Bake for 45 minutes or until just set.
Chill for at least 2 hours or overnight.
Garnish with torched course sugar and fresh blueberries.